Why do we need Soil Conditioning?

Organic Soil conditioning is environmental care, increase agriculture yield and produces more nutritious foods for healthier human race. Demands for organic and healthier  foods is on the rise,  soil conditioning for organic  farming will result to sustainable agriculture because it also increases yield and farmer's profit .Let us hear from the experts on this video.

Miracle Soil Conditioner (A Natural Foliar Soil Solution)

CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS have come into widespread use throughout the Asia and Pacific regions-[Food & Fertilizer Technology Center, 2001] 

It was realized that fields which receive heavy applications of chemical fertilizers alone, decline crops productivity-[Food & Fertilizer Technology Center, 2001].


The consumer demand is to minimize the use of inorganic fertilizers, and the search for an alternative source of fertilizer to reduce production cost, and to develop strategies to utilize organic fertilizers- [Aguinaldo et al, 2003].


MIRACLE SOIL CONDITIONER helps to increase the nitrogen uptake of plants, and increase soil nitrogen utilization efficiency.  It encourages the uptake of potassium, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous. 

MIRACLE SOIL CONDITIONER is capable of retaining soil nutrients in an exchangeable form to be made available to plants as required.  This high organic carbon compound creates a suitable environment for the microbial properties of the soil.  In short, the higher the organic matter content of the soil, the more minerals and nutrients are unlocked and made available to the plant. 

MIRACLE SOIL CONDITIONER, as a bio-activator, is highly recommended for all types of solanaceous plants such as tomatoes and pepper.  It is also good for corn, rice, sugarcane, fishpond and fruit trees because it’s main function is to correct the source of farmer’s problem...the soil acidity. 

MIRACLE SOIL CONDITIONER is also convenient and easy to use, and inexpensive, compared to other soil conditioner.  MIRACLE SOIL CONDITIONER also acts as an organic insect repellent.

Healthy soils produce healthy crops, which do not require the support of artificial chemicals. Read more